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Press ONE for English?

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Old 06-25-2007, 02:16 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?

Old 06-25-2007, 02:33 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?


This getting too deep..

But I will say my point about the colonist and the Native people is an example that had nothing to do with government setting political boarders or laws but more of a cultural thing and how it keep the Native peoples so far apart in their thinking and traditions..So it is a sound argument, I beg your pardon...We white folk would not be on these new fangled computers had the Indians been more unified culturally...And don't kid yourself, the Indians had very well defined boundaries to their claimed territories... Europe is a Hodge podge of countries that can ALL fit in the State of Texas,but if they were unified they would not be countries, but something like States...So your point on that is mute.
LMAO!!!!!!!! Europe as a whole does not fit in the state of Texas, you are severly misinformed there my friend. I'm attaching an image of it just to avoid confusion. Note, this does not factor in greenland which belongs to Denmark last time I checked, it also does not factor in parts of russia and the baltic states which also are a part of Europe.
My point is not mute, you made it invalid by changing what it is to suit your own argument. It is in fact a bunch of separate countries. Many of these with more than one language as native tongue. Again, very much like Canada. Any group of countries made in to one will become a lot like the United States, that goes without saying. But since that is not the case, it is in fact your point that is mute here my friend :-)
And as far as the indian bit goes I think we've all heard the story with the beads and manhattan and how they did not have a concept of OWNING the land rather than being apart of it. Yes, there were teritories between rivaling tribes and yes they were well defined. This does not imply ownership in our sense of the word. You look at any kind of nature religion that has it's roots eons before "civilized" man showed up and you will see the majority of them were symbiotic relationships between man and nature, not an ownership relationship.

And governement is a corner stone in the evolution of a country ... if not I guess the United States existed long before we put our WHITE government in power here, just in a very distributed fashion. A government unifies the country under common laws, common regulations, and so forth. This is the business end of a country and a necessity to generate revenue to further improve the infrastructure such as roads, running water, drainage etc etc.While language unify PEOPLE, government unify people and country.Look at Birka, biggest city in the north during the viking age. There was NO unified language but it had a strong set of common values, laws, trade laws, and so forth and consideringthat place hadin the neighborhood of a million folks inand outside the city I'd say that's a unity of a large number of people (considering it was 1,000 years ago now). There's a difference .. you can unite people for which it requires common communication rules, language, or you can unite people and create a nation, for this you need governement. People can not self govern themselves and work for a common set of goals, it's not in our nature. If that was the case socialism and communism would be the only set of political ideologies we have. Instead we have capitalism, wherewe all fend for ourselves, not the greater good. That's why we have government,it's for them to handle (and whether they do is a matter of opinion).Look atSomalia for example, their government is non existent, do you think they are doing a good job self governing themselves? Seems to me they are too busy killing each other instead. Government isan unfortunate necessity matter how yo
Old 06-25-2007, 02:52 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?

Did I ever tell you two that you are the brother and father I wish I always never wanted
Old 06-25-2007, 02:54 PM
Dennis's Avatar
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Default RE: Press ONE for English? you wanna be exact and literal, orare rhetorical examples hard for you to grasp?..About Half the sizeof the US then (including Alaska and Hawaii, last time I looked)..for crying out loud...So why have 100 different languages and countries, when one big one is much more efficient? Where has that gotten them? Are they any better off..the smartest thing that was done finally to make things simpler was adopting the Euro currency.Has theEuropean economy proven to be the best in the world..I think not..So why did so many of you Europeans beat a path to the Shores here then?..And one small section of Canada wants it their way and keeping it French doesn't qualify if for the whole country as having two languages..The only reason your points are mute is because you failed to see what I was saying, and tried to spin your point of view to be based on POLITICAL boundaries and not cultural...your point is still mute on that basis My friend.
Old 06-25-2007, 02:58 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?

Before anyone gets their tail in a knot..Nick and I are having a gentlemanly's all good in my book.
Old 06-25-2007, 03:04 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?

Where is that damn "Smiley eating popcorn" link when I need it

Nick is one of the VERY FEW people I have met in my life that you can have a constructive arguement with and have him not get upset at you. You my friend, are on the list also


Nick: Man, screw you, my mistress has WAY bigger feet then yours.........

Mike:No way dude, my blow up doll is HALF (times one) the woman you are.......

Nick: Man F you............................................... .........wanna go to lunch?

Mike: OK.

Anybody want to tell me to shut up yet?

\/ The following statement is for you Dennis.............\/
Old 06-25-2007, 03:12 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?

ORIGINAL: Dennis you wanna be exact and literal, orare rhetorical examples hard for you to grasp?..About Half the sizeof the US then (including Alaska and Hawaii, last time I looked)..for crying out loud...So why have 100 different languages and countries, when one big one is much more efficient? Where has that gotten them? Are they any better off..the smartest thing that was done finally to make things simpler was adopting the Euro currency.Has theEuropean economy proven to be the best in the world..I think not..So why did so many of you Europeans beat a path to the Shores here then?..And one small section of Canada wants it their way and keeping it French doesn't qualify if for the whole country as having two languages..The only reason your points are mute is because you failed to see what I was saying, and tried to spin your point of view to be based on POLITICAL boundaries and not cultural...your point is still mute on that basis My friend.

LMAO!!! I lived in the european union Den, it had no positive impact on Sweden at all. The majority of big business moved elsewhere, instead we got big business from other countries. The euro was never adopted in Sweden because it would have ruined the economy back them. So before you state that's the smartest thing ever done, take a long hard look at the facts before you make these statements. Some countries would have been in RUINS financially if they had adopted it because of THEIR financial situation. The pipe dream of "United States Of Europe" simply isn't doable. We have too much baggage in the form of eastern european countries with limping economies. Who should pay for this!? You mistake a common currency for a common economy, that is NOT the case here. It's a bill back structure my friend, countries PAY the european union to be members ...
The Euro has NOT made the currence exchange easier. In fact there were articles regarding that very thing stating the opposite. Some countries have adopted it, others have not. In many cases they now have TWO currencies instead of one ... much like the languages ... hows THAT for unifying things huh!? :-)

No, my points are mute because they don't agree with yours, that's more honest :P And yes, a small PART of Canada does in fact want to be French .. why I don't know but that's their problem. However, with that said, it is STILL a part of CANADA thus Canada has TWO native tongues, French and English ... spin that around as you wish, it doesn't change the facts here hehehe

And for the record, political boundaries are nothing but cultural boundaries, one is a part of the other and the other is a necessity for the first. Politics and culture climate are close knit ... You don't think actions such as choppin a hand off for theft is just political, it's a cultural thing as well ... and without the politics to back them up it wouldn't exist to being with.

Old 06-25-2007, 03:15 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?


Before anyone gets their tail in a knot..Nick and I are having a gentlemanly's all good in my book.
Hell yeah .. I ain't even got an elevated pulse here .. just some friendly intelligent jabbing as far as I'm concerned :-)
Old 06-25-2007, 03:19 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?


Where is that damn "Smiley eating popcorn" link when I need it

Nick is one of the VERY FEW people I have met in my life that you can have a constructive arguement with and have him not get upset at you. You my friend, are on the list also


Nick: Man, screw you, my mistress has WAY bigger feet then yours.........

Mike:No way dude, my blow up doll is HALF (times one) the woman you are.......

Nick: Man F you............................................... .........wanna go to lunch?

Mike: OK.

Anybody want to tell me to shut up yet?

\/ The following statement is for you Dennis.............\/
I just want to make one thing very clear here .. I've NEVER had that very conversation with Mike ... LOL!!!!! But you are right, I don't get upset because of disagreements or people chosing to see things differently .. it's name calling and personal attacks I can't stand ....
Old 06-25-2007, 03:37 PM
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Default RE: Press ONE for English?


And yes, a small PART of Canada does in fact want to be French .. why I don't know but that's their problem.
I can't WAIT for Bob to comment on this one

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