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Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

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Old 02-22-2007, 03:58 PM
shawnnlivier's Avatar
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Default Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

Hellow fellow Hummer owners,
I need some advise with a problem I'm having with my dealer.

Would you expect/want a sticker or invoice iteamizing what you purchased with your H3 (or any new vehicle ) ?

Heres the senarial,
Back in OctoberI was ready to purchase my H3 , and wanted a '06 soI could get 60 months/ O% intrest.I test drove a H3 , and feel in love with it on a saturday.I got a quote and happened to notice in the local paper they were advertising it for less than they quoted me (same vehicle). I called the sales rep and he said if I was really interested to stop back monday , since they were closed on sunday's , and he'd see what he can do.

I got preapproved for GMC financing and got a supplier number from a friend.

I go to the deallership on monday , and now all of suden that vehicle is gone , another dealership supposively had it transfered.That kinda sucked , but what can you do.

The next day the sales rep try's to unload a H3 , '06 that had @ 850 miles on it , but really tricked out.( Base model w/ chrome package , chrome wheels, chrome gas cap, moon roof, chrome side steps, Vesco protection , tow package, and the head rest dvd players ).Over the coarse of 2 weeks , he kept calling saying the sales manager wants to move this one , and took another $1000.00 off , than another $500.00, than another $500.00 to get to payment of $545.00 with me puting down $2000.00 towards the vehicle.I didn't want a payment over $500.00 , but decided for the extra $50.00 a month I'd be a fool not to take it.So I told the salesman to clean her up and fill 'er up , I'll be over after work to sign the papers and pick 'er up. Let me note , that I bought this H3 site unseen with no test drive (since it was being detailed when I showed up).

Went threw the paper work, &got the keys from the salesman. He said the fun from here is figuring everything out for yourself , If I have any questions or problems , the owners manual and sticker is in the glove box , or call him. I should of checked first , but didn't. WhenI got home I checked the glove box , and it was completely empty. I called him the next day and left 2 messages, that where never returned. So I ran over there the next day , and it happens to be his day off. Another person at the dealership grabed me a owners manual from a different vehicle , and told me he'd have my salesman hunt up the dealers sticker and vesco warranty for me. I also had a issue of a rough idle from the one I test drove and the oneI purchased. The service dept. took a quick look at it , and said it idles with in 10% of what its suppose to , so its fine. Its a new vehicle and needs to break in. My salesman calls me back the next day and apologizes , and say's he'll hunt down the dealler sticker and get a warranty card for the vesco for me.

2 weeks later myH3 dies with all those warnings/ failers .It gets towed to the service center , so I figureI would stop and see the salesman , and see if he's hunted down those iteams for me.He say's I have a copy of the vesco allready from when I signed the papers (I thought that was funny for him to say , being that he wasn't even in the room whenI signed everything..but I'd look again and give him the benefit of a doubt). He printed me a dealer invoice that didn't show everything that was on the H3 whenI purchased it. He said it didn't matter , that they had record of what they added incaseI ever have a problem......................That didn't sit well with me , specially since I'll be moving to California soon.I let it go for a little while , but it kept knalling at me.I also asked about the head/valve, recall/issues and they all denied hearing anything about it. I brought up about only getting @ 12/MPG , and once again I get the its a new vehicle and needs to break in excuse.I filled out the original questioneer , and gave them a 100%..
manI should of waited.
Old 02-22-2007, 06:55 PM
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

sounds fishy to me ... i think i'd call GM
Old 02-22-2007, 07:09 PM
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

It seems that something is indeed fishy, and likely the dealership is busy covering it's butt. If you do not have a document that specifically lists what items/warranties your vehicle was supposed to come with, you may have a hard time of it. If the dealer removed/changed the deal to make it work out for you, they should have told you what they were doing. I think it's time to confront them with a witness and make them explain what the deal is. Don't settle for "we'll get back to you". They KNOW what they did, and will have documentation to back up what they have allowed. Someone at the dealership may need to make an executive decision, so make sure they are aware that you need it resolved or you will take it to the next level.
Old 02-22-2007, 07:20 PM
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

Hey Buddy.

First off, the Supplier Discount applies to NEW vehicles only, not demos, not slightly used, etc. SO, what sounds like to me is that they are trying toMAYBE scam GM into them thinking you bought a NEW H3 when in reality it was used. 850 miles is used. They cannot give you the Supplier Discount on a used vehicle.

Secondly, they are correct in saying you can't use the discount if the number is not valid. I have the supplier discount through my lawfirm, and they check it instantly. Most, if not all Hummer dealers have access to a GM database where they can check the validity of the supplier number you give and make sure #1 it matches and #2 you are eligble. The problem is most dealers require proof that you actually work for the company which you are giving the number for. I know some people on here managed to user some friends or family, which I believe is allowed now, but it sounds like they didn't even check.

The Supplier Discount is a set price that GM tells the participating dealers they have to sell you the vehicle for. The dealers are not obligated in any way to participate in the supplier discount program, but choose to for the easy sale. They can sell you a car BELOW that discount if they want, and they will still make their money. You are eligble for ALL incentives and rebates GM offers in addition to the supplier discount.

BUT, keep in mind, once again you cannot use the Supplier discount on a USED vehicle.

Honestly, as I said, they seem like maybe they are trying to scam GM into perhaps them believing they sold you a NEW H3, and even maybe trying to collect the incentives or factory rebates and instead of passing them on to you for the NEW vehicle, maybe they are pocketing that and instead trying to write your H3 off as a tax write-off as a used vehicle. I mean, there are MANY different scenarios that are possible, but unfortunately you don't know since you don't work there.

The facts are:

A) Supplier discounts are for NEW vehicles only

B) They should have given you a dealer invoice with the vehicle which they didn't.

C) They didn't give you any paperwork they promised you the day of purchase.

If I was you, I would tell them, either give me what I want or I'm going directly to a GM case worker in their customer service department. If you look up the Head and Valve thread started by LawWyfe, there are names of multiple people you can talk to about this.

The chances that their service people have never even heard of this problem is in my book 0%. There is no way in hell that any Hummer dealership service department has never heard of this problem. It's very wide-spread now.

Also, there is no rough idle on a NEW H3. I have the problem and it IS a problem, and it's usually due to a loose belt, or mis-aligned alternator pully or crank shaft pully, all repairable.

Don't let them screw you over. It sounds like they are trying to pull a fast one on you AND GM if you ask me.

Oh, and ONE MORE THING, very important:

MANY car dealers use that line "We already talked to someone higher up" to get you to NOT complain to Customer Service about you. That is most likely BS too.

GM takes Hummer's customer service VERY seriously, and is very sensitive about it. I know this for a fact. The dealers are alotted inventory based on their sales and customer service at times when supplies are scarce. They told you they want 100% because if you give them bad ratings, GM will come down hard on them. GM's Hummer brand is their big money maker now and they are trying to create a big market for it, so they are very over-protective of their Hummer brand name and reputation.

I bet if you ask them for the name of the "higher-up" person, they either won't have it, or say "we can't giv
Old 02-22-2007, 07:56 PM
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

Oh, and one more thing; in addition to everything I typed above, tell them you want the name and phone number of their regional manager. Don't let them swerve you into speaking to the owner, or some other BS. Get the phone number, but don't call yet. Just that fear of them knowing you have it will probably resolve some, if not all, of your issues.
Old 02-22-2007, 08:44 PM
shawnnlivier's Avatar
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

Thanks guy's......
I heard back from the service manager a little bit ago, he said he went to bat for me , andI won't be getting any extra bills in the mail....gee thanks. He's covering there a** , but seems like a nice guy. He said we can't penelize you if we entered the discount wrong..I reminded him it had nothing to do with mistakingly giving me a employee discount , instead of a supplier.( He admitted last phone call that he seen the multible discounts , but still is retreating to the employee discount BS ) .. any ways he's gonna get me a dealer invoice and a adendum for the dealler installed options that don't show on the invoice, plus the vesco warranty. He said he tried for a free meal gift certificate , but the head sales manager said he normally would , but since they lost @ $1500.00 because of the discount mix -up , that they wouldn't.
( I didn't ask for anythging except for paperwork and vesco warranty..he should of remained silent on that one..the mix up , if any was on their part , not mine ..I just had to fight for 4 months for whatI allready should of had ) all seems to convenent that all that paper work was lost........ya Fishy

HUMMERGUY , I took your advise and called that GM number just to check and make sure that my VIN wasn't a used vehicle , they confirmed that the original title wasn't issued till 11/06 , thats when I bought it. He asked if there was a problem , and I told him I didn't want to complain yet , but that his information helped put some issues to rest. He also confirmed that my dealer was the original purchaser of that H3. Thanks for the heads up .
Thanks again guy's , ..Shawnnlivier
Old 02-22-2007, 08:57 PM
azz7772's Avatar
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

i know it is hind site but when you are doing a deal like this you have to contain your excitement and take your time and read everything twice if you have too. make sure everything is clear and understood between everyone involved. these pushy salesmen are bloodhounds all they see is their commission check they always seem like they are in a hurry and rush you through the paperwork. I say if they want a sale and a happy customer they will have to wait for you to go through everything with a fine tooth comb and answer or get answers to all your questions BEFORE YOU SIGN.
this advice is good for any deal any of you have to make no matter how big or how small. I learned from my mistakes hope this helps someone out there.
Old 02-22-2007, 11:33 PM
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

That's some good AZZ advise..
Old 02-22-2007, 11:41 PM
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer


That's some good AZZ advise..
Old 02-23-2007, 06:01 AM
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Default RE: Need advise about problem w/ H3 sale from dealer

My thoughts are that they DID sell you a used vehicle. It doesn't matter that you were the first person to title the vehicle and the fact that it wasn't titled until you bought it. 850 miles is a USED vehicle no matter how you slice it. Sounds to me like the dealership used it as a demo and/or loaner vehicle. Maybe you should check into the legality of this. I'm sure 99% of most people would consider a vehicle with 850 miles on it as being used.

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