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My H3 stalled

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Old 07-26-2007, 02:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

I live in Wyoming and just about everywhere is the boonies. So someone like me likes the extra security that onstar provides. It isn't for everyone but my wife is the primary driver on the H3 so the onstar is a must for me.
Old 07-26-2007, 04:51 PM
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

I let my BlondeStar expire because for me I could be 20 minutes outside of town and have no cell phone signal, nor have OnStar service either. In the case of an accident in the woods while wheeling, if you don't have voice capabilities, you still have GPS, so if you push the red button they will still send help. The drawback is, if you are on a road that has been put in after the last map was made, and there are many of them, it could take them a long damn time to find you, and by the time they do, your emergency (i.e you)could have expired by thennegating any benifit of the system. I don't drink beer, but $200 would buy another off road trip or two for me each year.
Old 07-26-2007, 07:29 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Default RE: My H3 stalled dot see you brudda......was wondering if you were still around here. How's school?
Old 07-26-2007, 11:46 PM
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

Let's just say, never take Macro economics and Macro economics at the same time- over an abbreviated summer term. It is as simple as supply and demand. Their supply of information is greater than my demand, or their demand for my full mental attention is greater than my supply. Their elasticity of supply is greater than 1.0, and my elasticity of understanding is significantly less than 1.0. Either way, I have ashortage of brain capacity and am currently running a deficit, and will be running a debt in the long run.They, however,seem to have an endless surplus of knowledge. Unfortuneately there wont be any seller v. seller price wars or buyer v. buyer auctions to find an equalibirum price between my brain capacity shortage and thier surplus of knowledge. I guess in short, I need to study more, and pay closer attention in class and maybe I won't get too poor of a grade.

Actually, I have an A average in one class, and a B+ average in the other.
Thanks for asking though.
Old 07-27-2007, 12:13 AM
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

i tow for cross country and they are the provider that onstar uses.
if ya have onstar and need a tow/boost off/gas/flat tire or a winch out
ya push the button and tell them what ya need and they call a wrecker to
help ya out for FREE to the customer.....
say ur 100 miles from the nearest dealer ..u get towed to there for free
normal charge or what we charge onstar is $2.00 a mile enroute, $25 hook up fee and$2.25 per mile towing after 10 free miles.
so say ur 25 miles from me that $50(enroute)+$25(hookup)then $202.50 (towing) = 277.50 ya saved in a towing bill
so yes onstar is worth the $200 a year

i have it on my H3 and i own 5 tow trucks
its like piece on mind even when ur our of town knowing ya
got help for freeat a touch of a button
Old 07-27-2007, 07:10 AM
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

I believe if you read your warranty you will find that you get free towing to the dealer for warranty repairs while it is under warranty,with or without OnStar.
Old 07-27-2007, 07:42 AM
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Default RE: My H3 stalled


I have been offroading in places that make the boonies look like the Walmart parking lot25 years plus before there were any cell phones, or onstar. For those of you who can't find yer car when you come out of the grocery store, thank god technology has advanced to assist you. If I'm stupid enough to get burried without other vehicles on hand, and believe me, I am,and there is no cell service, I can go retro. WALK OUT. I'm mature now, more careful, but can still walk.I don't need no stinking onstar. If others like it, Bravo. Please enjoy. $200.00 is good beer money, and onstar ain't buyin.

I feel better. Good post jbnjc123, "Adventureguy is yours a 06 or an 07? Auto or stick?"
Doc, If you drive off the road, crash into a tree and get knocked unconcious in a deselate area, head on collision, etc., you aren't going to be walking anywhere buddy. OnStar automatically calls the service when your airbags deploy, or the vehicle flips. If you don't respond, they use the GPS tracking to send help. For $12.95 a month, that's worth it to me. If you call to cancel, they will offer you a 1-year discounted plan with the same features for $12.95 a month. As much as I drive (40k miles in less then 2 years) that's something I consider worth the pocket change I collect every month. I'm not trying to bust yer ***** or anything, but to me, that feature alone is worth it. All of my cars will have it going forward.

Also, the computer is pre-programmed to detect eratic driving. If there is certain triggers that go off in your vehicle's computer/pcm, you will get a call from them asking if everything is OK. Anybody that says that feature doesn't work is on crack. My wife and I were driving the H3 about a year ago and I had to swerve out of the way of some freakin dumb**** that almost nailed me head-on. I almost flipped the truck. Luckily I was smart enough to not oversteer back into the street and go into the dirt and grass. 10 seconds later, they called to ask if we were ok. I must have triggered the roll-over sensor or something. THAT is a true story. That's when we decided we aren't going to get rid of it.

I just called to cancel because I heard the rumor they would drop the rate. Well, it worked

Also, keep in mind, the H3/H2 has an antenna for the service that is ten times more powerful then a cell phone. It worked in the middle of nowhere for us when we couldn't get a signal. They told us this when we signed up, but didn't realize it until we actually needed it.
Old 07-27-2007, 08:23 AM
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

Hey, this was a thread about H3 stalling. What are u guys, GM Onstar reps lookin to make a commission. I said "I don't need no stinking onstar!" You likey ostar, you can be happy the General. $13.00 x 12mos.= $156.00yr>>>>>BEER $$ PCM $$ CAI $$ WINCH --whatever. Jbnjc123 made the point a long way back. The summer of 1976 while wheelin up behind Taylor Lake (Gunnison to Tin Cup Colorado country) when I stuck the 1970 K5 was a LONG WALK out of there. I get it.I'm in Michigan now, in the Lower a long walk would be 4-5 miles tops. Stroll in the park.

I can picture you guys stuck in the woods pushing that ostar button every 15 mins. looking for a rescue chopper. Depending on where you're at, they could send Granny with the Bronco II and an american flag on the antenna and a doggy cable to save the day. I'll walk to the nearest Hummer Forum member's house and you guys can help me unstick.

I didn't even get into the "Big Brother" aspect of the whole ostar we know where you are thing. [:@] So hug yer onstar button b4 you go to bed every night.

Old 07-27-2007, 08:38 AM
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

Hey Doc; we can't help but go off-topic. It is our way Dennis already gave up on trying to stop it.

Everybody has a unique situation. I'm just stating my personal experiences and opinions. If I didn't drive as much and didn't live in the boonies, I probably wouldn't have it, but I do, and unfortunately, most of the streets are pitch black and night, and these city people moving into the area can't drive for #@@% at night around there. Hence, the near-miss situation.

And as far as the Big-Brother thing? Hell yeah, we ALL have talked about that before on here. I don't like it at all to be honest, BUT, if I'm not doing anything wrong, I have no reason to worry, is how I think. That doesn't make it right, that's just how I feel. When you were stuck in '76 (ha, the year I was born), were you alone or with your wife/gf? Did you have to leave them all by themselves while you searched for help? That's how I justify it in my case. I'll do what I have to do to survive, but I won't leave someone behind. Yes, I'd rather press a button and have someone come to my rescue. It's worth the $13.00 a month to me. I'm not no pansy either, I can take care of myself in a bad situation and am not afraid of much.

I like your chopper reference though. I almost spit my food out when I read it lol JUST so you know, I wasn't trying to convince you of anything, just stating how I felt in my personal situation. Some people on here WILL try to convince you THEIR way is the best and ONLY way (ImportKiller and Shortbus) Dennis, myself and some others are a little more, uh, open-minded
Old 07-27-2007, 08:57 AM
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Default RE: My H3 stalled

I was a dumb kid, in over my head with the tires I 7" wide bias ply with a snow tread. WOW the tires they got now could make yer head spin. My two uncles (one is 7 yrs, the other 8yrs older than me) we all walked. Boy did I get an ear full of bitchen!!! Got grandand's Ford PU next morning, drove over to a friend that had a 50s somethin Dodge Weapons Carrier with a winch, couple chain saws, a mile of chain. Took all of us hours to get that K5 out. Good truck, had the top off most of the summer, bad tires. Grandad never said a word, just chuckled and shook his head the whole time. I learned my lesson, didn't get stuck again the rest of that week. Now that we have digressed again............

any H3 Stalling issues?

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