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This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

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Old 03-28-2008, 08:05 AM
importkiller's Avatar
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Default This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

I just want to let you guys know how much I appreciate having you all on the mod guys are awesome and make my job easy!!

I am having problems with the mod staff at my other forum, the majority of the mods there post like once a week...because of this the board gets slow. As you all know the mods are what carry a forum..anyway, I thought I would share what a typical conversatin with the mod crew is a thread I made in the mod lounge:


First off...for some reason some new members need my approval before their registration goes through...I approved 4 people today and would like you guys to just keep an eye out for any spam or trolls. Two of them had hotmail email addy's and that normally spells spammer.

Second...Would it be hard if we made a rule where mods have to post once a day? not gonna be a strictly enforced rule but mods are supposed to be the most active posters on the guys keep this place moving. Lately there is near zero mod participation from some of you. Streetglow Brass have been on John and my asses for awhile now to get the place moving again and to trim the mod crew down to active users. I hate de-modding anyone but I'm afraid we will have to if the participation level doesn't pick up. Nick is the most acive poster we have...that is sad. We have a lot of new members asking questions and that is we need the mods to carry this place and make it appealing to them...thats how they will stick around. [/align][/align]nothing horrible there...right?[/align][/align]here is a reply from a moderator chick named NIKA:[/align][/align][/align]Funny, I always thought mods were here to enforce the rules of the board, not encourage people to post more. Since when did we become the board salespeople? Maybe we should kick off all members who don't post everyday either.

I come around and edit posts and crap. I just don't always have anything to say. I don't need to post some lame, "I'm just posting to keep my job," to DO my job.
[/align][/align][/align]My reply to her:[/align][/align]Actually are not correct. The mods main job is to keep the board moving...that means a few things....removing spam, editing posts...POSTING. In every board the mods should be the most active posters....that's just common knowledge.

But of course you have to post as the defensive one....did you even read what you wrote?
Funny, I always thought mods were here to enforce the rules of the board, not encourage people to post more

you have to be kidding...right?!?!

That is the MOST IMPORTANT part of bieng a mod or an admin...the more posts this site has the more traffic the site has and that is what we all want.

Frankly I am getting tired of your attitude, I have no idea why you had to post like a scorn child in this is a suggestion suggestions...that's cool...but leave your little attitude's not needed here. [/align][/align][/align]her reply:[/align][/align][color=#800080]Mike, I would most certainly not be one to talk about attitude if I was you. You came in here like daddy of the board and took everything personal. For example: Matt (mechanicmatt). Even an idiot could see you had something to do with that whole thing.

Anyway, you have always done what you want, when you want. This board was always about education and interest, but also about friendship and family. Some of our family have left due to certain changes that happened here. I do understand the changes you're trying to make, and even try to agree with most of them. However, and I know I'm going to get banned for this: this board is a power trip for you. I don't think you understand or even care to understand what this board once was.

You have a higher power here as admin, but t
Old 03-28-2008, 09:03 AM
HummerGuy's Avatar
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

This is the same arguement I have gotten into with you Mike over and over again.

No offense, but the reason's Nika is stating to you is why some mods don't post here anymore.

Your definition of a forum and a moderator's role is different from alot of ours. THIS is the problem.

You have a vision of what a moderator should be, and it differs from what other's think. That doesn't mean they are wrong, or that you are wrong.

You give the impression off to alot of people that you believe being a moderator on a forum is more like having a paid job.

Here is the problem; you have your views, they have theirs and we here have ours. Everybody is in title to their opinions. This keeps coming up with you and now it's spreading to another forum. I'm just trying to show you that you have to lay down the rules and make VERY clear what role you play as a mod to people who want to be a mod. It looks like you are trying to do that now, and they are pissed off about it. Then they don't have to be one anymore if they don't want the responsibility.

If being a mod to you is posting all the time, even if you don't have much to say, make them change the rules or throw it out there.

In a way, you are both right, and both wrong. You are right because there should be more interaction with mods. She is right because if you have nothing to say, why post some meaningless crap? I tried that many times and look where it always ended up getting me On slow days I'd just randonmly post some topics in the news just to get people talking. Sometimes we all ended up at each other's throats, so I don't know if it was even worth it.

My point is, try not to come down so hard on people just because they have a different perception of what being a moderator is.

Your dedication to the job is what people don't understand. They don't get it, that you treat it more like a career then something fun you do on the side. That may be a flaw too, but I can understand where she is coming from. Hell, I feel like that too sometimes as you know.

I would just not worry too much about it. If they don't like it, they shouldn't be there right? BUT, if there are no rules set in stone, then what do they have to go on? You are laying down the rules that nobody probably ever told them.

You need to be a bit more open minded to other people's views on things and their opinions. If you don't, this is goign to keep happening no matter what forum you are on.

Unfortunately not everybody has the time or dedication you have.You need to remember that. Not everybody is the same. If they choose not to and it's an issue, then they shouldn't be a moderator, but alot of people work 5 days a week, are tired and exhausted and sit in front of a computer screen all day. Sometimes we just want a break

Drama follows you around doesn't it

That all being said, F her. If she doesn't like it and that's what is expected of her, she can be de-modded

and notice I'm trying to be really nice here. so don't dik me out too bad ok [>:] I'm just trying to make you understand how these people think (like me)so you know how to deal with it more efficiently. I'm not trying to attack you, bitch at you, make gay references or start a fight.

PLEASE for the love of JEBUS let's not have that happen again [&o]

but thanks for the compliment?!
Old 03-28-2008, 09:10 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

Thanks Impy
Old 03-28-2008, 09:12 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

See? Why couldn't I just say that, "Thanks"

NOOOOO I have to write another story about it.I have a problem.

Do they have some kind of group like AA for people that ya know, ramble on about stupid crap? I should start one.
Old 03-28-2008, 09:14 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

Mike...sorry bro but you are wrong...the mods of any board are supposed to be active members of the forum..period. Asking for one post a day isn't too much. If you can't at least check theboard and make a post aday?Then you shouldn't be a mod. How fair is it that mod A posts 5 times a month and member B posts 15 times a day? Not that fair..correct?
Old 03-28-2008, 09:20 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

You are right. That's what I was TRYING to get at but as usual kinda went ten different ways.

I meant there has to be some sort of rules layed out before people are made moderator, almost like a job description. That's why this happens. It's a misunderstanding of what being a Moderator is. The internet is changing, forums are changing, and in order to keep up with it, so does the role of what a moderator is and should be.

That's kinda what I was getting at. Lay down the rules and make them clear, so nobody misunderstands. If they don't like it, they don't have to be a part of it. It's nothing against them right?I think that's why you and I have had our misunderstandings, and Muddy as well, because we all have our own views as to what it means to be a moderator.

You guys are more experienced and want there to be some sort of rules and structures that the small forums aren't used to. That's fine, but just be aware not everybody is going to feel like that.
Old 03-28-2008, 09:20 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

Tks!!!! (the short way)
Old 03-28-2008, 09:21 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

and please...stop sayng I think of this as a carreer...balh blah blah..I'm getting tired of hearing that...VERY tired of it. I took pride in bieng a mod and helping people...same as I feel now bieng an admin.... This is the same view as Muddy which is why he felt you shouldn't be an admin..the role of mod and admin is clear to those that know what the hell they are talking about[8D]If someone can't take 5 minutes a day to post or view the forum...they should not be a mod.
Old 03-28-2008, 09:22 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

posted at same time..disregard
Old 03-28-2008, 09:28 AM
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Default RE: This mod crew is AWESOME!!!

I guess 3Hummers is safe, 100 post a day Baaaahhaaaaa[8D]

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