Clean H3 Black Hood panel
Clean H3 Black Hood panel
I was waxing my H3 today and got a little wax residue on the black hood panel insert .Whats good to use to remove the residue,and to give the hood panel insert a fresh look.It has a few dull spots on it from bird sh_t,ect,ect....
Last edited by NIK1; 05-22-2009 at 09:07 AM.
I know one product not to use and that is Armorall.
I use Armorall diluted with water for some applications, mostly on tires, but that is about it.
I used a product called " Something Else" that does not turn the black areas gray. Go to a detail shop, or a parts store that sells to auto detailing people and ask what they suggest.
I was told your regular peanut butter will take wax off those areas you do not want that wax residue to remain. Then of course you will need a product to bring back the plastic black.
I use Armorall diluted with water for some applications, mostly on tires, but that is about it.
I used a product called " Something Else" that does not turn the black areas gray. Go to a detail shop, or a parts store that sells to auto detailing people and ask what they suggest.
I was told your regular peanut butter will take wax off those areas you do not want that wax residue to remain. Then of course you will need a product to bring back the plastic black.
Thanks for the info.Last night I put a light coat of turtle wax,black color wax.It cleaned up the white wax residue from the other wax I used,and also shined up the black hood panel very nicely.
About a month ago, I removed mine and cleaned and waxed underneath the cover as it was filthy. The black cover itself I washed and used a product called Ragtopp vinyl cleaner which I have for my wife's Miata's convertible top. Bottle said it was good for plastic too. Looked great, and didn't turn it gray. Even beaded water for a few weeks like wax does.
Mother's "Back to Black" everytime! I use it on all of the exterior plastic on my H2. It's easy to apply and lasts around a month, sometimes longer depending on the climate where you live. Don't forget to go back over it with a dry cloth after you let it soak in to get the excess off. You can pick it up at WalMart or any auto parts store. It's in a red bottle and is around $5. NEVER USE ARMOR ALL!!! It will fade your plastic and leave a white residue. Hope this helps.
New product for restoring plastic